The joys and perils of indoor gardening with a very helpful Cocker Spaniel,
now known as Hannah the Gardener...

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Brandy Boy and Bush Big Boy tomatoes got their first taste of outside, yesterday. It was incredibly hot and they were only out for an hour or so. The Brandy Boy leaned over in the wind, breeze. Then they came back inside.

Tomorrow some 7 gallon grow bags, now known as big planters here, should arrive tomorrow. Then the repotting and going outside can start again. These things are going to have to be where they're staying, when they get filled. Once the tomatoes are planted in them, there will be no more coming in when the weather isn't favorable. Eeeek!

I'm like a plant parent and protective of them, watching over them, turning them as they follow the sun and checking several times a day to see if they need water. The two pots with the water globes, I even check to make sure water is coming out as it is supposed to! Yup, I'm an overly concerned plant parent...

Hannah the Gardener hasn't been gardening, lately. She's restless, today, because of the storm going over. She didn't used to be bothered by thunder storms, but anymore, she is. She doesn't tear things up, or anything like that, but she's restless and wants me to go in to the bedroom, so she can crawl under the bed and still be close to me. Sweet little Hannah the Gardener.

The sage, I've been watching very closely. It's not been looking healthy. One little plant did die. The two left are looking better, today, I think. Last evening I stuck my finger in their dirt as far down as I could and they were dry. I thought I'd been over watering,, but now I think I haven't been giving them enough. So, last evening I mixed up some GrowTone (plant food) for them and watered until it came out the drain holes!

The little sages were outside yesterday, too. I'm not sure if I should keep them indoors, or let them go out with the tomatoes and peppers. I so want them to survive and thrive! I'd like to add some purple, tri color and golden sage and start a collection. I do love sage plants...

The sweet potato is still growing beautifully! I still haven't planted it. It's just sitting in a pot of soil that I don't water, or do anything to. I'm waiting for the sprouts to get five or six inches tall, then I'll try to root one and actually plant it and start a sweet potato vine. I'd like to start a collection of sweet potato varieties, too.

Plus I'd like to have a collection of African violets. Mine probably wouldn't bloom, so I'll try to find foliage I like. But, oh if they would bloom! I've been looking at some beautiful ones, on line, on The Violet Barn website. Absolutely beautful!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Has it really been over a week since I was here? I can't believe it!

I fed the tomatoes and peppers a couple of days ago and I'm sure they've grown a couple of inches in the past few days. They're growing like weeds!

I think I'm going to get some 7, or 10 gallon grow bags and put the little plants outside. Well, they're not so little anymore and they need more room and more sunlight. My window garden is going 'camping' on the 'patio'!

These things are going to be too big to move around, so they'll have to be where they're going to stay before we put any dirt in any of them. I don't want them down on the cement. That would be too nice for snakes. I don't want any snakes that close to the door!!! There's a kind of a funny story behind that statement...

The sweet potato is growing crazy, too, and it hasn't been fed, or watered. It's just growing from the potato itself. And doing very well!

I only wish the sage were doing as well as the rest of the plants. Well, it's going outside tomorrow. We'll see if that helps it. Maybe it needs more direct sunlight. Maybe it's a wrong type dirt, too rich, or something, so I'll try outside and more light, for starters.

We have ants! They come in and bite me right in my chair! I think Hannah the Gardener has ants instead of fleas, this year. She'll be asleep and all of a sudden start scratching like crazy. I haven't seen any fleas. The ants are right outside the door where she goes out. They bite me. I don't know why they wouldn't bite her, too!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

I think the sage is sick...

I think the three little sage plants are sick. They go in steps, with one the worst, one half way and the other looking the better of the three. I don't know if I under watered them last week, or if I've been over watering. I watered last night, well afternoon, and they seemed to perk up and looked brighter and better.

Today I found many more dead, or dieing leaves. I suppose if I under watered last week, it could take the leaves that long to show the signs. I gave them the tall, water tower glass watering globe and hopefully that will regulate and keep them with the right amount of water.

The little pepper plants are looking pretty good, as are the little bush big boys. The brandy boys I question, though, because I'm not used to potato leaf tomatoes and that's what they are. They're growing, but not branching out and getting bushy like I thought a tomato was supposed to do.

I guess there are people who trim the branches so they're just one stem. That's supposed to have something to do with the amount, or size of the tomatoes. I'm not sure which.

There is one little tomato sprout in the kitchen, still. I'm not positive, buy I think it's the surviving Baby Cakes cherry tomato. I'll try to baby it along and see if it'll survive...

The chives seem to be doing well. The latest planting are coming up and growing nearly as thick as the hair on Hannah the Gardener's head. I love chives!

Hannah the Gardener wasn't feeling very well Friday, but by yesterday (Saturday) evening she was back to her normal happy little self. She hasn't bothered the window garden since I took the big pots in there. I'm not telling her there are some little plants, in little make shift pots up there, too!

Yesterday evening I let her out and she wrapped herself (well, the cable tie out) around the legs of both tables and wanted me to come in under the table closest to the door, up by the wall under the air conditioner, and get her untangled. Well, that wasn't happening! I'd just had an incident with low blood sugar and wasn't completely back, yet. But she was standing under the table up by the wall, barking.

Sooo, out I go with a cane in one hand, a square yard stick in the other, a leash around my neck and the yard stick hand leaning on the table. Long story a bit shorter, I got her untangled and we both got back inside.

I was shaking all over, but my little girl was back in the house! It rained today, and do you think she'd go outside? No! She stepped out the door, looked around and right back in. It wasn't even raining right then!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

It's so windy today, I hope the little plants don't dry out. I just checked them and the dirt is still moist, but they're waving in the breeze like crazy, like they're waving bye bye.

I guess it must be a south west wind, since it's coming in the bedroom window, which is on the south, and the west living room window. It rained last night, with this wind, and I couldn't get the bedroom window to stay shut. It took me four tries to get it to stay down. My head is right by the window, so I could feel the rain!

The sweet potato is growing like crazy. I was reading last night about different ways to plant them to sprout. Mine sprouted on its own, right on the counter top!

I could cut it into many pieces, as long as each has an eye, or the place where they sprout. I'm going to leave it whole, though, and let it sprout on it's own like that.

Once the sprouts get to be 5 or 6 inches long, I can take them off of the potato, put them in water, let them root and then plant them. I can get more plants that way.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with half a dozen sweet potato plants in the house, but they do make beautiful and easy vines!

The ginger I don't know about. I tried to read about that, but my internet connection wouldn't cooperate. Am going to try that again today...

I took a closer look at the Brandy Boys this morning and they are growing. So they must be doing alright. I think I'm going to give them the smaller of the glass watering globes. I have more seeds of everything else, as much as I don't want to lose any of them, I can restart on the others. The Brandy Boys came as plants, already six inches tall. I guess they are growing. They're probably 8 to 10 inches tall, now!

The little peppers are growing and doing great since their transplant into larger containers. So are the little tomatoes. Some of them I shouldn't call little, anymore! The ones in the big pot, I think have grown nearly an inch since Sunday. Something must be right about what I'm doing...

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Everyone seems to have survived the transplant - so far...  They look like they're doing well.  They turn to find the most sunlight, are firm and not limp and weak feeling, and stand up like good little plants should!  Hopefully they're all going to survive and grow and give lots of tomatoes and peppers.  I hope...

I ordered some watering globes, that arrived yesterday.  These things are huge!  But they came with a wooden stick to make the hole in the dirt and a funnel to fill the globe.  I know to order the smaller size next time!  Live, order and learn...

I ordered some kibble for Hannah the gardener a couple of weeks ago.  It said a new company was just starting and they had a really good price.  This was on Amazon.  I watch and track the things I order.  It said the kibble had been shipped.  Shipped via UBS, or USB, or some combination of those letters.  Anyway a carrier I'd never heard of.  The estimated arrival date was reasonable.  Then it was moved back a week.  That date came and went and we ran out of kibble.

I called Amazon customer service and talked with a really great young man.  He looked at my order and sent an email to the company. While doing this, he figured out it was being shipped from China!  That really surprised me!  Shocked, actually!  Rachel Ray Nutrish being shipped from China?  It said no place in the material I read before ordering that it was coming from China.

Moving on...  I was given a $15 credit toward another bag of kibble.  He set up the order and sent me an email with a link so I'd get to the right place to complete the order.  You just can't beat that for customer service.  I paid $5 for the original bag and was given the $15 credit for that and my inconvienience!  I received another email, telling me that seller was no longer taking emails from Amazon.  I don't think there was any kibble in the first place!

Now, the 14# courtesy bag was to be delivered 7/5, we were out of kibble, so I ordered a 4# bag to be delivered 6/28.  Today I got a tracking text message telling me the 14# bag is coming tomorrow, too.  We're going from no kibble to 18# all at once!  Hannah the Gardener will be in kibble glory!  And she'll know what it is, too...  I told her we had kibble coming tomorrow, but she hasn't been going hungry.  I've been sharing my food with her.  Not ideal, but it gets us by...  and she sure doesn't mind eating my food!!!

Anything for Hannah the Gardener!
It's been several years since I started my first blog here.  Much has happened since.  Right now, I'm gardening.  In my livingroom window!  With the help of a much loved, very intelligent and at times overly inquisitive cocker spaniel known as Hannah the Gardener.

She has rearranged seedlings until I have no idea the variety of some tomato plants.  The pepper seedlings have, so far, escaped her close inspection.

I first started this blog on a different hosting sight, but I learned yesterday, it was a free trial.  They now want $29 a month for my continued use!  I will be slowly transfering the posts from there to here, if I still have access to them.  I sure hope I do!

Monday, June 26, 2017

I thought it was going to take a lot longer to transfer the posts from the other blog site.  I figured out how to cut and paste on my tablet, so it is done, already!

Mosts of the early dates are estimates, but pretty close, I think.

So far, all of the little tomato and pepper plants have survived their transplants.  Since I managed to kill the jubilee, I always feel concern.  Okay, I kind of worry.  If I run out of plants, though, I can plant more.  There are plenty of seeds left over!  But I don't really want to start over with any of them...

The garden table is getting full.  There isn't even room for Hannah the Gardener, anymore.  She thinks there is and keeps looking at the one empty corner from the swivel chair, but I've discouraged her and she seems alright with that.

I keep looking over at the little plants.  I like to watch them turn to find more sunlight.  Some days I find myself turning them several times.  Such good little plants...

The Brandy Boy and Bush Big Boy tomatoes got their first taste of outside, yesterday. It was incredibly hot and they were only out for an h...